• Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 5: Image and mirror image

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 5: Image and mirror image

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 5: Image and mirror image. This chapter includes contents: Image and mirror image of limonene, a new type of stereoisomerism, enantiomers, stereocenters, asymmetric carbon: No mirror plane, symmetry in nature, the polarimeter,...and other contents.

     57 p husc 25/07/2016 250 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 6: Nucleophilic substitution of haloalkanes

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 6: Nucleophilic substitution of haloalkanes

    Chapter 6 - Nucleophilic substitution of haloalkanes. This chapter presents the following content: Haloalkanes, the C-X bond is polarized, physical properties of R-X, nucleophilic substitution: general, remember acid-base reaction, large number of reactions,...

     30 p husc 25/07/2016 115 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 7: Unimolecular substitution and elimination

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 7: Unimolecular substitution and elimination

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 7: Unimolecular substitution and elimination. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Some observations, a new mechanism, what is the intermediate? The mechanism explains the data, the strong effect of polar solvents on the SN1 reaction,...and other contents.

     39 p husc 25/07/2016 236 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 8: Alcohols

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 8: Alcohols

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 8: Alcohols. The main contents of this chapter include all of the following: Ethanol, cyclic alcohols are called cycloalkanols, physical properties, hydrogen bonding, synthesis of alcohols R-OH,...and other contents.

     36 p husc 25/07/2016 251 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 9: Reactions of alcohols

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 9: Reactions of alcohols

    Alcohols are versatile organic compounds since they undergo a wide variety of transformations – the majority of which are either oxidation or reduction type reactions. In this chapter provides knowledge of reactions of alcohols. This chapter presents the following content: Deprotonation, SN1/SN2 via protonation, carbocation rearrangements,...and other contents.

     39 p husc 25/07/2016 173 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 10: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 10: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 10: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: What is spectroscopy? General spectrometer, the chemical shift δ, complex splitting patterns,...and other contents.

     86 p husc 25/07/2016 214 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 11: Alkenes

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 11: Alkenes

    This chapter presents the following content: structure of the double bond, the sigma bond, the pi bond, orbital energies, how weak is the pi bond? Bond strengths in alkenes, alkenyl hydrogens are relatively acidic, degree of unsaturation, heteroatoms and degree of unsaturation,...

     29 p husc 25/07/2016 94 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 12: Reactions of alkenes

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 12: Reactions of alkenes

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 12: Reactions of alkenes. In this chapter, the following content will be discussed: Addition reactions of alkenes, catalytic hydrogenation, electrophilic additions, hydroboration-oxidation,...and other contents.

     52 p husc 25/07/2016 252 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 13: Alkynes: The C≡C Triple bond

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 13: Alkynes: The C≡C Triple bond

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 13: Alkynes: The C≡C Triple bond. This chapter presents the following content: Introduction to alkynes, natural occurrence and uses of alkynes, physical properties of alkynes, spectroscopy of alkynes, nomenclature of alkynes, acid-base properties of alkynes,...

     23 p husc 25/07/2016 225 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 14: Delocalized Pi systems

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 14: Delocalized Pi systems

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 14: Delocalized Pi systems. After studying this chapter you will: Be able to identify, without explicit prompting, when delocalization is important, or not, be able to discuss the special characteristics benzene, be able to predict the products from a Diels-Alder reaction and be able to recognize a set of reactants and conditions as those belonging to the Diels-Alder reaction.

     48 p husc 25/07/2016 209 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 15: Benzene and aromaticity

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 15: Benzene and aromaticity

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 15: Benzene and aromaticity. In this chapter, we will explore the structural implications of the stabilizing effects of aromaticity. The discussion will introduce the key ideas by focussing on the unique properties of benzene, the prototypical aromatic molecule. One new chemical reaction appears, electrophilic aromatic substitution, of benzene (using a variety of reagents, leading to different products)....

     32 p husc 25/07/2016 258 1

  • Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 16: Electrophilic attack on derivatives of benzene

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 16: Electrophilic attack on derivatives of benzene

    Lecture Organic chemistry - Chapter 16: Electrophilic attack on derivatives of benzene. This chapter presents the following content: Donors and acceptors, induction and resonance, induction, resonance, disubstituted benzenes-higher substitution, the strongest activator wins,...and other contents.

     31 p husc 25/07/2016 249 1

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